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නියම Wordpress Themes ටික..... 20 ක් ම තියෙන්නෙ 2

Dulara | 1:18 PM | ,

ඉතින් කොහොමද කස්ටියට එහෙම.......හොදින් ඇති කියල හිතනව.ඔන්න ඉතින් ගොඩක් අය මගෙන් Wordpress Themes ඉල්ලල තිබුන නිසා Themes 20 ක් ම අරගෙන ආව.මේ Themes ටික නම් පට්ටම පට්ටයි.ඕකොල්ලොත් මෙයින් ටිකක් අත්හදා බලන්න.
1. Frezhnyer :

The theme is best suited for movie or some blockbuster site. The following are some of its features :

  1. Theme is expanded in two columns that make the front page simple and clean with lots of space for various features.
  2. Social media ready theme that allows you to connect various social media sites like Twitter and Facebook with a RSS button.
  3. Multiple JavaScript and JQuery widgets.
  4. Cross Browser Support.
  5. Backward compatible with older versions of WordPress.

    2. Dream Sky :

    The theme is best suited for small businesses or blogs that don’t require any heavy marketing or glitz. The features include :
    1. Three columned theme that makes a clean presentation of elements on the pages.
    2. Google AdSense.
    3. AJAX widgets and forms.
    4. Content sliders and many more.
    5. Social media ready with tweet button.
    6. Confirms to XHTML standards.
    7. Cross browser compatible.

    3. SoulVision:

    Another beautiful theme that can be best used for blogs and small businesses. The features include :
    1. Two columned theme with beautiful layouts and backdrop
    2. RSS Feed button.
    3. Listing of earlier posts in the form of ordered and unordered lists.
    4. Search feature.
    5. Recent Post display along with useful links.
    6. Calendar and other customized widgets that can be added onto the page.
    7. Valid XHTML code.

      4. Recipy:

      Recipy is best suited for eatery blogs or websites that are related to food recipes or similar like that. The theme is based on food. Some of its features are :
      1. Two columned theme that is simple and sober.
      2. Nice color combination that has bright backdrops that can become painful for eyes sometimes.
      3. The paper table looks gives a nice presentation to the web page.
      4. Social media ready with Twitter and Stumble buttons.
      5. RSS Feed enabled.
      6. Cross Browser Compatible.

      5. SimpleFolio:

      This theme is best suited for a professional blogger that wants to attract the other people by showcasing his talent in variety of ways. The features of this theme includes :
      1. W3C compliant CSS and HTML.
      2. Two-column layout that makes things easier to organize and present.
      3. Multiple AJAX and JQuery widgets that can impart dynamic effects to the website can be installed.
      4. Content Sliders and dynamic search forms.
      5. Social Media ready.
      6. RSS feeds enabled.
      7. Cross browser capability.
      8. Backward compatible with older versions of WordPress.

      6. Maparaan :

      The theme has the following features :
      1. Three columned layout that makes the interface simplified with all the content presented on the same.
      2. Content Gallery.
      3. Multiple Color Schemes that can be used by using CSS tweaks.
      4. Popular posts can be viewed according to different filters like page views, comments, shared.
      5. Social Bookmarking ready.
      6. Social Media ready with links to Facebook and Twitter widgets.
      7. RSS Feed ready.
      8. Multiple WordPress plugins are available to enhance the functionality of the site.

        7. Decayed 1.0 :

        This is another beautiful theme that is inspired from one of the default themes of Drupal CMS. Some of its features are :
        1. Two columned layout with dark backdrop.
        2. Search box and Blogroll.
        3. Archive list.
        4. RSS Feeds.
        5. XHtml friends Network (XFN) that helps to maintain human relationships via linking.
        6. Valid CSS and xHTML that complies with W3C standards.

        8. Conceditor WP Platinum:

        The theme is best suited for those business establishments that want to market their products and at the same time also want the attention of the user towards the other aspects of it. The theme features :
        1. Three columned layout.
        2. RSS post and subscription buttons.
        3. JavaScript widgets that add dynamic behavior to the site.
        4. No social media buttons available yet, but you can add them later on by using various plugins from the WordPress site.
        5. Cross browser compatibility, but optimized to be viewed in Firefox. Internet Explorer (IE) users may experience some problems viewing it.

        9. Tribune Magazine:

        As the name suggests the theme is suited for the magazines where there has to information about various issues at a single time. Some of its highlights are :
        1. Set in the black and white layout and has three columns to handle a variety of content.
        2. Content Sliders along with other widgets that adds dynamic behavior to the website.
        3. Search box and content gallery.
        4. Featured videos along with tags section that will help you to find the.
        5. Cross Browser compatibility.
        6. Admin panel and collapsible column.
        7. Similar theme is available for Joomla and Elxis.

        10.Brave Zeenat:

        Best suited for a personal website where a person can showcase his talent and stuff like that. Some of the features of the theme are :
        1. The content is organized in sequential fashion thereby concentrating only on the main content.
        2. All the important links and contact will be placed in the upper portion of the website so that they are readily visible to the visitors.
        3. Multiple AJAX and JQuery widget can be installed.
        4. Social media ready.
        5. Cross browser compatible.

        11. Imobile:

        This theme is made with a technology blog in mind. Some of its features include :
        1. Simple organization of content by segregating them into various categories.
        2. Two column layout with white background.
        3. Options page.
        4. Thumbnails for content gallery.
        5. Featured posts and videos.
        6. RSS ready.
        7. XFN enabled.
        8. Search box along with tag section so as to locate the articles easily.
        9. Social Media Ready with widget buttons of almost all the popular networking sites.
        10. W3C compliant code.
        11. Cross browser compatible.

        12. Calypso :

        The theme is best suited for any ordinary website or blog. Some of the theme features are :
        1. Two column layout set with some vibrant colored backdrop.
        2. Multimedia widget support.
        3. JavaScript content slider that will feature the recent posts.
        4. RSS button.
        5. Social media ready buttons.
        6. Cross browser compatible.

        13. Atlantis:

        This beautiful theme that is best suited for the information displaying site like a movie site or a news site. Some of the features of the theme are :
        1. Three columned layout.
        2. Dynamic image slide shows in the content slider.
        3. Twitter updates showing the latest of comments and happenings in the micro blogging world.
        4. Gallery photos.
        5. Sponsor section.
        6. Dynamic search box and dynamic AJAX forms.
        7. RSS enabled.
        8. Cross browser compatible.

        14. Epione:

        This dark theme is ideal for the serious blogs or those websites that are associated with some issues. Some of the features are:
        1. Two column layout that is set in black backdrop.
        2. Content Sliders and other AJAX widgets.
        3. Home page loads with a slider that displays the latest blog posts.
        4. Multilevel Drop down Menu.
        5. Gravatar Support.
        6. Social media buttons for variety of networking site.
        7. Cross browser compatible.

        15. Bayer:

        A simple and yet powerful theme that can be suited across a variety of blogs and businesses. Some of its features are :
        1. Three column output with a variety of interactive widgets that have been places into them.
        2. Image gallery showing the latest image uploads that have been done by the authors of the site.
        3. Spaces for placement of advertisements.
        4. Search box.
        5. AJAX and JQuery Widget ready.
        6. It is easy to customize and extend.
        7. Social media ready.
        8. RSS enabled.
        9. Compatible across all major browsers.

        16. Runone:

        Another ideal site for technology blogs and websites. Some of the features are :
        1. Two column layout with a number of interactive widgets.
        2. Image gallery.
        3. Social media ready.
        4. XFN enabled.
        5. Featured Video and Tag Functionality.
        6. Variety of AJAX and JQuery widget support.
        7. Cross Browser compatibility.

        17. Tauri:

        Ideal for some sports website. Some of its features are:
        1. Two column layout set in white backdrop.
        2. Google AdSense ready.
        3. Image Gallery and search box.
        4. Dynamic effects thanks to AJAX and JQuery widgets.
        5. Social media and bookmarking ready.
        6. Cross browser compatible.

        18. Freemium:

        Another attractive free premium wordpress theme. Some of its features are :
        1. Two column layout.
        2. RSS enabled.
        3. JQuery menus.
        4. Multiple advertising spots.
        5. Multiple sidebar widgets.

        19. Irrestible:

        Visually enhancing theme that is best suited for personal blogs and websites. Some of its features are:
        1. Widget sidebar where up to two widgets can be added.
        2. Better Advertisement management.
        3. Integrated video player.
        4. More than nine color schemes to choose from.
        5. Cross browser compatible.

        20. Modicus:

        A flexible theme that is available in a variety of formats to suit different requirements. Some of the features are :
        1. Spacious and clean presentation of elements.
        2. Light and fast.
        3. AdSense enabled.
        4. Easy to install with variety of plugins and widgets to choose from.
        5. More than four color combination possible.

        කොහොමද Themes ටික..... මතක ඇතුව කොමෙන්ට් එකක් දාන්නකෝ....

        2 Responses So Far:

        ~~esh~~ said...

        hodai macho ela, eth mata one widiha methana naha, one karanne left and right side dekatama ape gadgets danna puluwan theme ekak, eke madden ape post thiyenna one

        Dulara said...

        @~~esh~~ : මෙන්න මෙතනින් ඔයාට ඕන තීම් එකක් හොයාගන්න පුලුවන්....ස්තූතියි...