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වටිනා Keyboard Shortcuts ටිකක් 0

Dulara | 12:35 PM | ,

ඔබට පරිගණක භාවිතයේ දී වැදගත් වන වටිනා Keyboard shortcuts ටිකක් ගැන තමා මේ ලිපියෙ සදහන් වෙන්නෙ.

මෙම ලිපියේ,
  1. Windows XP Keyboard Shortcuts
  2. Windows Vista Keyboard Shortcuts
  3. Windows 7 Keyboard Shortcuts 
ආදිය අඩංගු වේ.

Windows XP keyboard shortcuts

System key combinations:
ALT + F4Quit the active program
ALT + TABSwitch between the opened programs
F2Rename selected object
F3Find in all files
F10Activate the menu bar
CTRL + ESCOpen the Start menu
SHIFT + DELETEDelete the selected items permanently
Windows + LLock computer
Program key combinations:
CTRL + XCut selected items
CTRL + CCopy selected items
CTRL + VPaste copied items
CTRL + ZUndo last change
CTRL + UUnderline
CTRL + BBold
CTRL + ASelect all
Ctrl + YRedo last change
CTRL + IItalic
Mouse clicks and keyboard modifier combinations:
ALT  + double clickProperties
SHIFT  + double clickRun alternate default command
SHIFT  + right clickDisplay shortcut menu containing the alternative commands
To copy a file: Press and hold the CTRL key while dragging the file to another folder.
To create a shortcut: Press and hold ‘CTRL+SHIFT’ while dragging a file to the desktop or a folder.
General directory management combinations:
F4Select the Go To A Different Folder box and relocate the entries in the box
F5Refresh the window
F6Moves through Windows Explorer elements
CTRL+OOpen dialog Box
Windows Explorer tree control:
Numeric key +Expand current selection
Numeric key -Collapse current selection.
Numeric key *Expand all under current selection
LEFT ARROWCollapse current selection if that is expanded
RIGHT ARROWExpand menu
Properties control: Press CTRL+TAB/CTRL+SHIFT+TAB to move items through the property tabs.
Microsoft Natural Keyboard keys:
WindowsStart menu( display or hide)
Windows + RRun dialog box
Application keyDisplay shortcut menu for selected items
SHIFT + Windows + MUndo minimize all
Windows + MMinimize all
CTRL + Windows + FFind computer
Windows + FFind files or folders
Windows + F1Help
Windows + EWindows Explorer
Windows + DMinimize all open windows
Windows + TABCycle through taskbar buttons
CTRL + Windows + TAB
Windows + BreakDisplay System Properties dialog box
Windows + BSelect the first program from list of systems
Keyboard with IntelliType software installed:
Windows + SPACEBARDisplays all Microsoft IntelliType shortcut keys
Windows + Stoggles CAPS LOCK on and off
Windows + PStarts Print Manager
Windows + LLog off Windows
Windows + AStarts Accessibility Options
Windows + VStarts Clipboard
Windows + COpens Control Panel
Windows + IOpens Mouse Properties dialog box
Windows + KOpens Keyboard Properties dialog box

Windows Vista keyboard shortcuts

Managing Windows:
Alt + TabGo to previous active window
Alt + F4Close the active window
Win + TabFlip 3D
Alt + EscCycle through all open windows
Ctrl + Win + TabPersistent Flip 3D

Win + TCycle through applications on taskbar
Win + MMinimize all open windows
Win + Shift + MUndo all window minimization

Win + DToggle showing the desktop
Starting Programs:
Ctrl + Shift + EscOpen Windows Task Manager

Win + NOpen nth program on your Quick Launch bar
Win + EOpen Explorer
Win + PauseOpen System Properties portion from the Control Panel
Win + 1Open first program on your Quick Launch bar

Win + 2Open second program on your Quick Launch bar
Win + XOpen Mobility Center
Win + UOpen ease of access center
Win + FOpen search window
Win + ROpen Run window
Win + BMove focus to notification tray
Logging In And Out: (→ stands for the Right arrow)
Win + → + → + → + EnterShutdown
Win + → + → + → +WSwitch Users
Win + → + → + → + UShutdown

Win + → + → + → + RRestart

Win + → + EnterSleep

Win + LLocks computer

Viewing Folders with Windows Explorer
Alt + ↑Go up a directory

Alt + →Go forward

Alt + ←Go back

Ctrl +  Mouse wheelChange the view type
Alt + D , TabMove focus to search bar
Alt + DMove focus to address bar

Alt + EnterOpen the Properties window of the current selection

Windows 7 keyboard shortcuts

New in Windows 7: (The → symbol stands for the right arrow key, ← for the left arrow key.)
Win + [Minus sign]Zoom out
Win + [Plus sign]Zoom in
Win + ←Dock current window in left half of your screen

Win + →Dock current window in right half of your screen

Win + ↑Maximize current window
Win + ↓If current window is maximized then restore it or vice versa

Win + SpaceHave a peek at your desktop
Win + Shift + ←Move current window to left display
Win + Shift + →Move current window to right display
Win + HomeMinimize all windows except current window
Win + POpen projection menu
Alt + PShow or hide preview pane
The shortcut keys for Starting Programs, Logging In and Out, Viewing Folders with Explorer on windows 7 are same as Windows Vista.

කොහොමද ලිපිය.....මතක ඇතුව කොමෙන්ට් එකක් දාන්නකෝ...

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